Monday, November 14, 2011

Medication Trick or Treat!

Halloween has come and gone, but a lot of people are still saying trick or treat when they go to their doctor for pain. Statistics show that as many as 70% of doctor visits are for muscle and joint pain, pain that can easily and effectively be treated with any of the following: Chiropractic, Massage, Acupuncture, Exercise, Proper Nutrition. These things require the patient to become actively involved in their own health care, a commitment that is more labor intensive than simply popping a pill. For those that have never seen a Chiropractor a common concern is for safety, fear not, statistics show a complication rate for neck adjustments to be 1 in 5.85 million and for adjustments to the low back to be even less.  Want a real scare, click here to see what the CDC has to say about Americans' addiction to drugs.  So before you considering throwing that little pill into your mouth, consider a safer more natural approach to your life.