Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Ask The Pro - Running Injury

The following is from a weekly Q&A we do in the Verona Press.

Q:        As part of my running workouts, I have been doing more interval training and have developed pain in the top part of my hamstring.  I have been stretching it but it does not seem to be getting any better.   How would you recommend treating it?

A:        It sounds like you may have strained the biceps femoris tendon or more simply, the upper hamstring attachment.  This is a common injury for runners doing speed work or stride work.  You can continue to stretch the hamstrings, but you should only do so to the point that you feel the stretch in the middle of the muscle, not at the upper attachment point.  Stretching too far only re-aggravates injury.  Also, get a sport specific massage to treat the injury.  Treatment should consist of a technique called cross fiber friction followed by icing of the area.  This treatment only takes 15 minutes 1-2 times per week for approximately 4 weeks.  It is a very effective and economical treatment that promotes proper healing.  Lastly, watch your form.  You should be working to strike the ground mid-foot and not with a heavy heel strike.  Striding too far out and landing on the heel will also re-aggravate this type of injury. 

Monday, April 1, 2013

Unwin Chiropractic Little League Team

The boys of summer are back, now if we can just tell mother nature to hold off on the snow long enough to get the first pitch out, we'll be good to go. We are happy to announce that we will again be sponsoring a Verona Little League Team. Good luck to our athletes we can't wait to get out there and cheer you on.


No April 1st Joke, Shanna A. is this months Care to Share Winner.