Monday, November 7, 2011

Don't Hibernate This Winter

Dr. Jill Unwin Blue Mounds State Park.

The days are turning cold and the daylight is fading, but don't become a bear this winter avoid the pitfalls of hibernation, unlike bears you will probably not come out from your long winter slumber 50lbs slimmer. Although it may seem just to difficult to get out and do something keep in mind that the hardest part is just getting out that door, once you make it past that point its easy to keep going. There are many great things to do here in Wisconsin, such as: cross country skiing, snowshoeing, skating, even sledding is a fun interval activity. I know the argument is that it's to cold, however I always like to remind folks that others travel to the top of Everest, North and South Pole and all manner of frigid land in between, so that excuse just doesn't work. I had a good friend sum it up this way, "There is no bad weather, only bad clothes." So no excuses, get out and enjoy winter before its gone and the dreaded summer returns.